Gospel - Discipleship - Mission

To equip individuals, families, and communities to be formed in the gospel to the glory of God and the good of the city


A gospel-centered family of missional disciples who make disciples to the glory of God and for the city's good.

What kind of church is Mercyview?

Mercyview is a growing, diverse, grace-filled faith community that is exploring what it means to live out the good news of Jesus in a great North American urban center. We are an evangelical Christian church committed to the historic Christian faith as lined out in the Nicene Creed.

In Search of a King, Part 2 : 1 Samuel 9-15

The people of God are living in a time of social, political, and religious transition and upheaval. The book of 1 Samuel finds us at the end of generations of covenant faithlessness throughout the time of the Judges, constant war and threats from neighboring peoples, and a priestly order that is more concerned with their own desires than administering the right worship of Yahweh. The closing words of the book of Judges echo throughout the opening pages, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Israel has demanded a king, but not from a holy desire for a righteous ruler. Their search for a king is an envious coveting of the nations around them and a rejection of the righteous rule of Yahweh as their king.

Saul’s story is a real tragedy. God raised him up to be His champion for Israel, and equipped him for the task through his physical stature and the work of the Holy Spirit, yet Saul became his own worst enemy. He could defeat the enemies of Israel on the field of battle, but not his own envy and pride.

Similarly, the Church, throughout the millennia has often found itself living in times of social, political, and religious transition and upheaval. That is as much a reality for us today as it has ever been for generations of Christians the world over. Amid the uncertainty that we face in our day, we can have the same confident hope available to the people of God in First Samuel.

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