How do I join Mercyview as a partner?
We ask that you...
- Have made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and have been baptized as a believer. Contact us at if you would like to talk more about either of these things.
- Participate in our Explore Mercyview seminar – a one-time seminar (1 hour) intended to give you an overview of what Mercyview believes and why.
- Participate in a Mercyview Partner seminar – currently offered each spring and each fall, this four-session seminar is intended to give you a more in-depth look at what Mercyview believes and why. This seminar is a prerequisite to becoming a partner at Mercyview. The partnership seminar handbook can be found here.
- Meet with a church elder for a partnership conversation – in order that we may know you better, hear your story, answer any questions, pray for you, encourage you, and invest in you more fully.
- Sign the Partnership Covenant. You can look at our current Partnership Covenant here.
If you are interested in partnership at Mercyview, you can contact us by filling out the form below and requesting more information.
How do I join Mercyview as a partner?
We ask that you...
- Have made a confession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and have been baptized as a believer. Contact us at if you would like to talk more about either of these things.
- Participate in our Explore Mercyview seminar – a one-time seminar (1 hour) intended to give you an overview of what Mercyview believes and why.
- Participate in a Mercyview Partner seminar – currently offered each spring and each fall, this four-session seminar is intended to give you a more in-depth look at what Mercyview believes and why. This seminar is a prerequisite to becoming a partner at Mercyview. The partnership seminar handbook can be found here.
- Meet with a church elder for a partnership conversation – in order that we may know you better, hear your story, answer any questions, pray for you, encourage you, and invest in you more fully.
- Sign the Partnership Covenant. You can look at our current Partnership Covenant here.
If you are interested in partnership at Mercyview, you can contact us by filling out the form below and requesting more information.
What does it mean to be a partner at Mercyview?
How do I find out bout what Mercyview Believes?
It means formally committing yourself to this particular local church – to function, participate, and minister in a particular place within the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 4:12) by joining in its mission and placing yourself under the care, accountability, discipline, and direction of its leaders. Becoming a “partner” at Mercyview is what many churches call “membership.” We believe the term “partner” more accurately reflects the mutual dependency and accountability we have towards one another in the life of the church.
First, you will want to visit the Our Confession page of our website. It outlines both the “center” and the “boundaries” of our confession. As you consider partnership with us here at Mercyview, you may want to know more specifically what we believe is God’s heart for the local church and how our mission, values, and philosophy for ministry flow from that. To that end, we would encourage you to listen to a sermon series from 2012 entitled “The Church: Gathered//Scattered” that we believe outlines a biblical definition of the local church here.