Mercyview Youth

2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month from 3:00-5:00 PM

Our Vision:We want to create a place to come alongside parent’s of students at Mercyview in efforts to see their children discipled.

Our Goals: To give students a place to grow in their love and knowledge of God together, and in a way that is contextualized to their stage in life. To provide students with an increased opportunity to gather and connect around God’s word with one another. To help parents navigate discipleship in their children’s pre-teen and teenage years.

Our Rhythms

We want to implement our vision and accomplish our goals by intentionally creating two rhythms for students to regularly engage with the Word of God and the Community of Saints.  

Bible Study

We engage with the Word of God as we sing, as we pray, and open the Scriptures together. Therefore we will gather twice a month to do just that together. 

Regular Fellowship

We engage with the community of the saints in a variety of ways: through the study of Scripture together, relational connection through time together, and by making room to do something fun together two or three times a quarter.